دکتر یاور شاه ولی مسئول اسبق بسیج جامعه پزشکی استان خوزستان در یادداشتی به زبان انگلیسی با عنوان زانو روی گردن (Knee on the neck) قتل مرد سیاه پوست به دست پلیس آمریکا را محکوم کرد.

به گزارش پایگاه خبری کارونی ها ، دکتر یاور شاه ولی مسئول اسبق سازمان بسیج جامعه پزشکی استان خوزستان در یادداشتی به زبان انگلیسی با عنوان زانو روی گردن (Knee on the neck) قتل مرد سیاه پوست به دست پلیس آمریکا را محکوم کرد.
By DR. yavar shahvali, master of political science and PHD of international relation.
Knee on neck, this is the same technique used by a Minneapolis police officer to kill a 46-year-old black man with the upmost cruelty.
His moans, ” please …I can’t breathe,” was not heard by the arrogant police, a symbol of the capitalist system.  He died 8 minutes and 46 seconds later, showing no signs of life.
But the awakened conscience of millions of people heard his voice, and today the price of his blood is a stormy movement that has shaken the foundations of the Western imperialist and racist system, albeit for a short time.
Although this is a dangerous police technique for anesthetizing criminals, it is in fact an American strategy that has been used against countries and societies weaker than united states, since the establishment of this country.

Didn’t the voice of the American Indians (redskin) stop by the knee pressure on their throats?
Didn’t the voice of thousands of Japanese in Nakazaki and Hiroshima turn off? Those who were burned by the atomic invasion of the United States.
How many years has dominance system’s knee been located on the neck of the Vietnamese people?
For more than 60 years, this oppression’s knee has been compressed the neck of the people of Cuba and Palestine. For more than 40 years, the knee of the wisdomless rulers of the United States has been located on the neck of the Iranian people.
The Venezuelan people have felt the America’s heavy knee on their necks for decades.
You have seen the shortness of breath of the people of Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria and Yemen for years.
Do you remember Abu Ghoraib and Guantanamo?
Believe me, this is the nature of America. In the meantime, there is no difference between his own nation and other nations. He is hostile to humanity.
George Floyd is the symbol of all the crushed humans under the feet of the wild civilization of the West, and that police is the symbol of the devil who came out of the heart of this civilization.
For the sake of humanity and for the humans to be able to breathe, praise the fight against slavery and racism, and condemn oppression, sanctions, and injustice, which are the common sufferings of humans. This message is the command of the great Creator of the earth and the heavens. He has a reserve for a better future for humanity, for global justice and peace, Baghiyat-allah.